Your Career Revolution

Your Career Revolution Podcast Episode 204 "Bitcoin to Business Ownership"

The Entrepreneur's Source-Your Career Revolution Season 2 Episode 204

Your Career Revolution Podcast Episode 204 featuring Victor Guy and Career Ownership Coach Mike Rocci.
Mike Ricci: Career Ownership Coach | Small Business Owner | Changing Lives by Showing YOU what IS Possible.
As a Career Ownership Coach, I work with people in career transition to explore self-sufficiency and reach a point of clarity about next steps with their career. I help them discover how to leverage transferable skills and past work experience to make a different career choice - one that provides them with more control over their lives than what Corporate America offers.
Mike spent 34 years in the newspaper industry starting as a night typesetter and worked my way up into management through the ranks from Production Manager to Art Director, to Corporate Systems Manager and eventually Director of Operations with McClatchy Newspapers. During his early years, he had two entrepreneurial small business ventures in the field of graphic design and production art. Those years in the newspaper industry fostered many different skills, including leadership, innovation, and collaboration. Valuable experiences and skills were built working with great teams. Mike says he was fortunate to work for some great companies but something was missing.
Sometimes you see the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
As Mike says:
"At The Entrepreneur Source, we often talk about the 95% of people that get into a business, a business they never would have looked at it their own. And I'm a perfect example of that. I looked at multiple different businesses with my coach.  I'm not the front-line person. I was used to talking to people all day in operations, putting out fires and just making sure all the gears are running smoothly. The business of coaching was a big difference for me, but that's how I got into it. Victor was probably one of the most inspiring clients I've had to date, being that he was completely on the opposite side of the spectrum from me. Together we had this moment of clarity.
When Victor and I began to chat, I knew he was young, but I didn't know how young. He had some money. He didn't know what to do with it. He was considering going to college for mechanical engineering, but he just wasn't sure he wanted to go to college. I thought about my own family, where I have one son that is in college and doing wonderful, another son that I pushed to go into college, and it really wasn't the right thing for him. So, it's a different path for every person. I asked Victor to keep an open mind. He is a young man and he is ambitious."
According to Victor:
Well, the whole process began when I was in middle school. That's about 2014, when bit coining things just started coming out. And at a young age I was always curious about what I want to do for my future. I began getting allowances for doing chores around the house.  I had everything I wanted growing up, so there wasn't really anything that I needed at the moment.

For more, read the post

This podcast is based on our latest book “Your Career Revolution: Reimagine and Reclaim the Life of Your Dreams,” which gives people permission to dream. Terry Powell, Visionary Founder, co-authored this revolutionary book alongside the Career Ownership Coach community. This book is a great guide and starting point for anyone who wants to make meaningful changes in their lives and careers. From the Franchise Source Brands International and The Entrepreneur’s Source.